sorrow so deep that every breath is an earthquake, so painful you can't even see.
And although the world may pity you for a moment it goes on, isn't that terrible, isn't that just the cruelest thing. in the moment you need to cling to the most, when you just need time to cry and scream and eat three jars of nuttella. but the world won't wait for your tantrum, no matter how justified it may be. the world stops for none and so you stand on this moving planet spiraling farther and farther from the moment that you can't seem to let go of. then they judge you. it's been three weeks,six year months, a year or ten,havn't you moved on yet? but pain doesn't follow the time line of clocks calenders or centuries. it's time is kept with the heart that speeds and slows to the emotions inside. the world doesn't stop for you so you are forced to move on, isn't that so nice, isn't that just the kindest thing. that it forces you to live your life. to continue onward, to find new moments with better emotions, forcing you to find some form of happiness or acceptance.
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