Tuesday, April 12, 2011

awnsered prayers

so if you are one of my bffs you know i my family has been through some hard things lately. but i'm not here to talk about how hard life is, i'm trying to tell you how amazingly prayers are answered. i was REALLY upset. like i don't know the last time i had cried this hard, and once again if you know me well you know i cry A LOT! I was in my bedroom sobbing my heart out. I prayed to find some comfort because i knew the situation wasn't going to change. I ended my prayer and sat on my bed for a moment. And it wasn't like a voice talking to me but it sure wasn't my own mind, i heard
Trust in the lord with ALL thy heart and lean not to thy own understanding, in ALL thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths. proverbs 3:5&6 I knew that if i trusted the lord he wouldn't lead me astray.
THEN.... i found a letter we had written to ourselves last year's Christmas to open this Christmas. but the thing was i hadn't read it since i wrote it. it just happened to be in the middle of the floor! so i read it. it was advice from the me one year ago. I gave myself the best advice. in that letter was everything i need to hear at the moment. so the part about all thy ways acknowledge him... i figured this is one of my ways. blogging is something that I do. so this is me acknowledging him. I know that Heavenly Father listens to and answers our prayer. the ones i just said are two in hundreds of ways prayers have been answered for me. i know that Jesus Christ lives, he love us and understands the pain we are going through.
so we life gets too hard to stand kneel

1 comment:

  1. Kate. Girl. That made my eyes well, honestly. I love you and thank you for sharing this, it reminded me to remember my own beautiful experiences and continue to turn to Him so He might bless me with more. You're an angel. Thank you.
